Monday, June 27, 2011

Fluevog Sneak Peek

Okay, I have a wee problem with Fluevog shoes. With this week's sneak peek at coming shoes, though, it's moved right into obsession. I need these. Need. Cost? No idea. Don't care. Need. I'm speechless.

Fluevog - Baroque Cortona
Fluevog - Baroque Velazquez
Oh, and that "thunk" noise you just heard? That was this shoe addict fainting after thinking about wearing these red boots. I've gone into total hot-shoe overload. I need to go lie down now.

1 comment:

  1. well, i mentioned in my comment to your kilimanjaro post that i'd poke around your blog - at least to check out what other tidbits you have on fluevog.

    (side note: i had never heard of cydwoq or come across them. i am in! cute shoes! thanks for the link from your page.)

    on the baroque family ... i bought a pair of rubens last year when i was visiting chicago in july, and the shoes hit the pavement in november (over here); why i waited so long? dunno.

    anyway, i LOVE them. i find them comfortable and just beautiful. i have seen the boots; i didn't try them on last time i was at their store, but i am contemplating them. so... ya gonna get a pair? (heehee!)
