Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Joy of Discovery - Cydwoq!

I've just discovered a new-to-me line of shoes, which as you might imagine is a dangerous state of affairs. This shoe designer/manufacturer/retailer is in California, and they design and produce some beautiful shoes, fellow addicts. I've mentioned that I like unusual shoes, and these are not only unusual but unusually gorgeous. The concept behind these shoes, designed by Rafi Balouzian, is that they are made with fine leather that just improves with age and wear. I love the company philosophy and vision - and I adore the shoes. I found these today, and I'm thinking I'm going to need a pair of these one day. Oh, and the company name? It might be spelled "Cydwoq" but it's pronounced "Sidewalk". Being a total sucker for puns I also think it's a fantastic company name!

Cydwoq - Vintage Line, "Possession" $318 USD + shipping/taxes/duties

1 comment:

  1. well ... i live in california and am embarrassed to say that i have passed this one store up in the city of berkeley because of my little shoe addiction. (i attempt to moderate shoe purchases.) they sell cydwoq at a place called rabat, and i plan to head over today! (your blog inspired a little shoe retail therapy for me! thank you!)
